Following is a list of books I have read so far in case you're looking for something to read. I have enjoyed discovering Kent Haruf, Ivan Doig, Matthew Quick and Taylor Jenkins Reid - all different styles, all great writers. The books are in no particular order and include everything from books for my class, to physical and audiobooks for mere enjoyment.

Thanks for sharing this book list. I just shared this powerful podcast about the ancestors of Carter G Woodson with my librarian who introduced me to the book about this notable American on your list:
You have been a busy reader. Thanks for sharing your list in such a nice visual way. You have shared some I am interested in finding out more about, and you have shared a couple of my favorites by William Kent Krueger and Charles Martin. Thank you.
I read Matthew Quirk’s new book “We Are the Light” i’m December. You might like it. Just finished “The Seven Husband’s of Evelyn Hugo” last week. I enjoyed it but think it was a bit redundant in places and could be cut by about 50 pages.
Wow, that's impressive for only three months into the year. I love using Sharon Creech's books to teach poetry. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo has been popping around so much, I will have to add it to my TBR. Do you have any favorite genres? Thank you for sharing. Even though I use audiobooks frequently, I still have a hard time reading as much as I'd like.
Oh, you had me at books! I am impressed with the number read and with your selection!
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