Over the years, I have had many magazine subscriptions; Entertainment Weekly, US, Premiere, Sports Illustrated, Home and Garden, Family Handyman, and Writer's Digest, to name a few. Never have I come close to reading them cover to cover. It was unusual for me to read a single article, let alone the entire publication. I didn't read it if it wasn't about Steven Spielberg, Robin Williams, Michael J. Fox or U2. I perused the pages - always back to front - several times, always liking the idea of having magazines more than reading them.
2022 is the year for things to change. I earned my MA, completed a March challenge of writing every day and today, I finished reading my Writer's Digest cover to cover. A double issue, too! For you writers out there, WD is a great tool to have on hand providing many articles on POV, setting, finding agents, plot etc.
It comes at a time when failure on the parenting front weighs on my heart with piercing disappointment. I must focus on celebrations in life, no matter how insignificant. Is my life better because I read an entire magazine? Not really. Did I learn something? Of course. Are small achievements stepping stones to becoming a better person? Absolutely.
Next up? Coffee table books. So many to choose from. U2? Lost? Spielberg? Phillies? It's going to take more than three days for sure. If this rain keeps up preventing me from doing yard work, I may finish sooner than expected. But whenever I do finish, it will be another stepping stone.
No excuses.
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